The Youth Talent Support Program of Beihang University (北航青年拔尖人才支持计划), 2017-2019
"ZhuoYue 100 Talents" Titled Associate Professor (北航卓越百人人才计划), 2013-2019
Beijing Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, Beijing Municipal Government , 2020 (北京市科技进步二等奖,排名第1)
Chongqing Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, Chongqing Municipal Government , 2021 (重庆市科技进步二等奖,排名第2)
China Federation of Logistic & Perchasing Science and Technology Award, First Prize, China Federation of Logistic & Perchasing, 2023 (中国物流与采购联合会科技进步一等奖,排名第3)
China Geospatial Information Science and Technology Award, First Prize, China Association for Geospatial Information Society, 2019 (中国地理信息科技进步奖一等奖,排名第1)
China Commerce Science and Technology Award, First Prize, China General Chamber of Commerce, 2021 (全国商业科技进步奖一等奖,排名第1)
China ITS Association Technical Innovation Award, First Prize, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, 2022 (中国智能交通协会技术发明一等奖,排名第2)
China Geospatial Information Science and Technology Award, Grand Prize, China Association for Geospatial Information Society, 2019 (中国地理信息科技进步奖特等奖,排名第5)
Urban Rail Transit Science and Technology Award, First Prize, China Association of Metros, 2022 (城市轨道交通协会科技进步一等奖,排名第6)
China ITS Association Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, 2018 (中国智能交通协会科学技术奖二等奖,排名第1)
China ITS Association Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, 2022 (中国智能交通协会科学技术奖二等奖,排名第2)
China Award for Science and Technology in Construction, Second Prize, China, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, 2019 (中国住建部华夏建设科学技术奖二等奖,排名第2)
China ITS Association Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, 2022(中国智能交通协会科学技术奖二等奖,排名第3)
China Industry-University Research Collaboration and Innovation Achievement Award,Third Prize, China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association, 2017 (中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖,排名第1)
China Communications and Transportation of Association Science and Technology Award,Third Prize, China Communications and Transportation of Association, 2020 (中国交通运输协会科技进步三等奖,排名第4)
2020 Highly Cited Chinese Researchers,Elsevier,2021
World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists,Stanford University,2021-2022
Second Prize, China Institute of Commnications Education, 2020 (交通教育科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖)
Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2016
Outstanding Contributor, The 1st World Transportation Convention, 2017
Outstanding Reviewer, China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2020
Excellent Young Academic Editor, China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2020,2023
Sinha Prize for Best Paper in JTE Part-A, 2023
Best Paper Award, CICTP 2016, Shanghai, China, 2016
Best Paper Award (Third Place), China Society of Logistics, 2016
Advisor for Best PhD Dissertation of China Highway & Transportation Society (中国公路学会优秀博士论文), 2021
Advisor for Best PhD Dissertation of National Transportation & Traffic Engineering (第二届交通运输工程领域全国优秀博士论文), 2020
Advisor for Best Master Thesis of Beihang University (北航校级优秀硕士论文), 2017
Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2018-2020
Associate Editor, IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2017-2019
Editorial Board Member, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2019-2021
Editorial Board Member, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022-2024
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018-2020
Editorial Board Member, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2019-2021
Topic Editor, Applied Science, 2021-2023
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology(交通运输系统工程与信息),2020-2023.
Young Academic Editor, Chinese Journal of Highway and Transport (中国公路学报), 2020-2023.
Young Academic Editor, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) , 2020-2022.
Young Academic Editor, Journal of Transport Information and Safety(交通信息与安全), 2023-2027.
Associate Editor, The 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, 2020.
Chair, Data&Information Section, World Transportation Convention, 2017-2021
Member, Yound Technical Committee for Urban Rail Transit, China Civil Engineering Society, 2022-2025
Member, TRB Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications (ABJ70), 2014-2020
Member, Technical Committee for Urban Big Data, Chinese Society for Urban Study, 2016-2020
Member, Working Committee for Transport College/University, China Highway and Transportation Society, 2017-2021.
Member, The 13th All-China Youth Federation(第十三届全国青年联合会委员), 2020-2024
Member, The 11th Beijing Youth Federation(第十一届北京市青年联合会委员), 2016-2020
Member, Youth Committee of the Beijing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (第一届北京市侨联青年委员), 2018-2023
Executive Member, The Chinese Association of Young Scientists And Technologists(第六届中国青年科技工作者协会理事),2019-2024
Standing Committee Member, China Comminications and Transportation Association Young Scientists And Technologists Committee (中国交通运输协会青年科技工作者委员会常委),2019-2024