Xiaolei Ma

Journal Articles-first authors
  1. Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang, 2011. DRIVE Net: An E-Science of Transportation Platform for Data Sharing, Visualization, Modeling, and Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2215: 37-49.

  2. Xiaolei Ma, Edward McCormack and Yinhai Wang, 2011. Processing Commercial Global Positioning System Data to Develop a Web-Based Truck Performance Measures Program. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2246: 92-100.

  3. Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, Feng Chen and Jianfeng Liu, 2013. Mining Smart Card Data for Transit Riders' Travel Patterns. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 36:1-12.

  4. Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, Feng Chen and Jianfeng Liu, 2012. Transit Smart Card Data Mining for Passenger Origin Information Extraction. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 13(10):750-760.

  5. Xiaolei Ma and Yinhai Wang, 2014. Development of A Data-driven Platform for Transit Performance Measures Using Smart Card Data and GPS Data. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(12):04014063.

  6. Xiaolei Ma, Haiyang Yu, Yunpeng Wang and Yinhai Wang, 2015. Large-scale Transportation Network Congestion Evolution Prediction Using Deep Learning Theory. PLOS ONE, 10(3): e0119044.

  7. Xiaolei Ma, Zhimin Tao, Yinhai Wang, Haiyang Yu and Yunpeng Wang, 2015. Long Short-term Memory Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Using Remote Microwave Sensor Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 54:187-197.

  8. Xiaolei Ma, Yong Wang, Edward McCormack, and Yinhai Wang, 2016. Understanding Freight Trip Chaining Behavior Using Spatial Data Mining Approach with GPS Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2596:44-54.

  9. Xiaolei Ma, Chuan Ding, Sen Luan, Yong Wang, Yunpeng Wang, 2017. Prioritizing influential factors for freeway incident clearance time prediction using gradient boosting decision trees method. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(9):2303-2310.

  10. Xiaolei Ma, Congcong Liu, Yunpeng Wang, Huimin Wen, Yao-Jan Wu, 2017. Understanding Commuting Patterns Using Transit Smart Card Data. Journal of Transport Geography, 58:135-145.

  11. Xiaolei Ma, Zhuang Dai, Zhengbing He, Jihui Ma, Yong Wang, Yunpeng Wang, 2017. Learning Traffic as Images: A Deep Convolution Neural Network for Large-scale Transportation Network Speed Prediction. Sensors, 17,818.

  12. Xiaolei Ma, Guohui Zhang, Cathy Liu, 2017. Data-Driven Urban Mobility Modeling and Analysis (Editorial). Journal of Advanced Transportation.   Article ID: 8679827.

  13. Xiaolei Ma, Xi Chen, Xiaopeng Li, Chuan Ding, Yinhai Wang, 2018. Sustainable Station-level Planning: An Integrated Transport and Land Use Design Model for Transit-oriented Development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170(1):1052-1063.   

  14. Xiaolei Ma, Sen Luan, Bowen Du, Bin Yu, 2017. Spatial Copula Model for Imputing Traffic Flow Data from Remote Microwave Sensors, 17(10), 2160.

  15. Xiaolei Ma, Shuo Sun, Xiaoyue Liu, Chuan Ding, Zhuo Chen, Yunpeng Wang, 2018. A Time-Varying Parameters Vector Auto-Regression Model to Disentangle the Time Varying Effects between Drivers’Responses and Tolling on High Occupancy Toll   Facilities. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 88:208-226.

  16. Xiaolei Ma, Jiyu Zhang, Chuan Ding, Yunpeng Wang, 2018. A Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model to Explore the Spatiotemporal Influence of Built Environment on Transit Ridership. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 70:113-124.

  17. Xiaolei Ma, Sen Luan, Chuan Ding, Haode Liu, Yunpeng Wang, 2019. Spatial Interpolation of Missing Annual Average Daily Traffic Data Using Copula-based Model. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 11(3): 158-170.

  18. Xiaolei Ma, Jiyu Zhang, Bowen Du, Chuan Ding, Leilei Sun, 2019. Parallel Architecture of Convolutional Bi-directional LSTM Neural Networks for Network-wide Metro Ridership Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20(6):2278-2288.

  19. Xiaolei Ma, Jie Yang, Chuan Ding, Jianfeng Liu, Quan Zhu, 2018. Joint Analysis of the Commuting Departure Time and Travel Mode Choice: Role of the Built Environment. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Volume 2018, Article ID 4540832.

  20. Xiaolei Ma, Xian Zhang, Xin Li, Xingju Wang, Xu Zhao, 2019. Impacts of Free-floating Bikesharing System on Public Transit Ridership. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 76:100-110.

  21. Xiaolei Ma, Houyue Zhong, Yi Li, Junyan Ma, Zhiyong Cui, Yinhai Wang, 2020. Forecasting Transportation Network Speed Using Deep Capsule Networks with Nested LSTM Models.   IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(8):4813-4824.

  22. Xiaolei Ma, Yi Li, Peng Chen, 2020. Identifying spatiotemporal traffic patterns in large-scale urban road networks using a modified nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). 7(4):529-539.

  23. Xiaolei Ma, Ran Miao, Xinkai Wu, Xianglong Liu, 2021. Examining Influential Factors on the Energy Consumption of Electric and Diesel Buses: A Data-driven Analysis of Large-scale Public Transit Network in Beijing. Energy. 216: 119196.

  24. Xiaolei Ma, Enze Huo, Haiyang Yu, Honghai Li, 2021. Mining Truck Platooning Patterns Through Massive Trajectory Data. Knowledge-Based Systems. 221: 106972.

  25. Xiaolei Ma, Xiaoyue Liu, Xiaobo Qu, 2021. Public Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification, and Personalization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(4): 2345-2348.

  26. Xiaolei Ma, Xinqiang Chen, Zhuang Dai, 2024. Special Issue on Transportation Big Data and Its Applications. Applied Sciences. 14: 1517.

Journal Articles-corresponding authors
  1. Sen Luan, Meng Li, Xin Li, Xiaolei Ma*, 2020. Effects of Built Environment on Bicycle Wrong Way Riding Behavior: A Data-driven Approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 144:105613.

  2. Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Liu, Xi Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2020. Joint optimization of scheduling and capacity for mixed traffic with autonomous and human-driven buses: a dynamic programming approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 114:598-619.

  3. Sen Luan, Xi Chen, Yuelong Su, Zhenning Dong, Xiaolei Ma*, 2022. Modelling Travel Time Volatility Using Copula-Based Monte-Carlo Simulation Method for Probabilistic Traffic Prediction. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 18(1):54-77.

  4. Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Liu, Zhuo Chen, Renyong Guo, Xiaolei Ma*, 2019. A predictive headway-based bus-holding strategy with dynamic control point selection: a cooperative game theory approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 125:29-51.

  5. Zhuang Dai, Xiaolei Ma*, Xi Chen, 2019. Bus Travel Time Modelling using GPS Probe and Smart Card Data: A Probabilistic Approach Considering Link Travel Time and Station Dwell Time. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. 23(2): 175-190.

  6. Haiyang Yu, Shuai Yang, Zhihai Wu, Xiaolei Ma*, 2018. Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction from Automatic License Plate Reader Data. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14(2):1-13.

  7. Yang Li, Xudong Wang, Shuo Sun, Xiaolei Ma*, 2017. Forecasting Short-term Subway Passenger Flow under Special Events Scenarios using Multiscale Radial Basis Function Networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 77:306-328.

  8. Haiyang Yu, Zhihai Wu, Dongwei Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2017. Probabilistic Prediction of Bus Headway Using Relevance Vector Machine Regression. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 18(7):1772-1781.

  9. Haiyang Yu, Dongwei Chen, Zhihai Wu, Xiaolei Ma*, Yunpeng Wang, 2016. Headway-based Bus Bunching Prediction Using Transit Smart Card Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,   72:45-49.

  10. Chuan Ding, Donggen, Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Haiying Li, 2016. Predicting short-term Subway ridership and prioritizing its influential factors using gradient boosting decision trees. Sustainability, 8(11),1100.

  11. Chuan Ding, Xiaolei Ma*, Yinhai Wang, Yunpeng Wang, 2015. Exploring the influential factors in incident clearance time: disentangling causation from self-selection bias. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 85:58-65.

  12. Haiyang Yu, Zhihai Wu, Shuqin Wang, Yunpeng Wang and Xiaolei Ma*, 2017.Spatiotemporal Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Traffic Prediction in Transportation Networks. Sensors, 17:1501.

  13. Lumei Liu, Lijun Sun, Yanyan Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2019. Optimizing Fleet Size and Scheduling of Feeder Transit Services Considering the Influence of Bike-sharing Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 236(1),117550.

  14. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Mingwu Liu, Ke Gnog, Yong Liu, Maozeng Xu, Yinhai Wang, 2017. Cooperation and Profit Allocation in Two-echelon Logistics Joint Distribution Network Optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 56:143-157.

  15. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Zhibin Li, Yong Liu, Maozeng Xu, Yinhai Wang, 2017. Profit Allocation in Collaborative Multiple Centers Vehicle Routing Problem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144:203-219.

  16. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Yunteng Lao, Yinhai Wang, 2014. A Fuzzy-based Customer Clustering Approach with Hierarchical Structure for Logistics Network Optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(2):521-534.

  17. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Maozeng Xu, Yong Liu, Yinhai Wang, 2015. Two-echelon logistics distribution region partitioning problem based on a hybrid particle swarm optimization-genetic algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(12): 5019-5031.

  18. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Maozeng Xu, Yinhai Wang, Yong Liu. 2015. Vehicle Routing Problem based on A Fuzzy Customer Clustering Approach for Logistics Network Optimization. Journal of Intelligent&Fuzzy Systems, 29: 1427-1442.

  19. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Maozeng Xu, Likun Wang, Yinhai Wang and Yong Liu, 2015. A Methodology to Exploit Allocation in Logistics Joint Distribution Network Optimization. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 15, Article ID 827021.

  20. Yong Wang*, Xiaolei Ma*, Yinhai Wang, Haijun Mao and Yong Zhang, 2012. Location Optimization of Multiple Distribution Centers Under Fuzzy Environment. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 13(10):782-798.

  21. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, Yong Liu, Ke Gong, Kristian C. Henrickson, Maozeng Xu, Yinhai Wang, 2016. A Two-Stage Algorithm for Origin-Destination Matrices Estimation Considering Dynamic Dispersion Parameter for Route Choice. PLOS ONE, 11(1):e0146850.

  22. Yong Wang*, Xiaolei Ma*, Yunteng Lao, Haiyan Yu and Yong Liu, 2014. A Two-stage Heuristic Method for Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Deliveries and Pickups. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 15(3):200-210.

  23. Xi Chen, Yinhai Wang, Jinjun Tang, Zhuang Dai, Xiaolei Ma*, 2019. Examining regional mobility patterns of public transit and automobile users based on smart card and mobile Internet data: A case study of Chengdu, China. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 14(1):56-64.

  24. Xi Chen, Yinhai Wang, Yong Wang, Xiaobo Qu, Xiaolei Ma*, 2021. Customized bus route design with pickup and delivery and time windows: Model, case study and comparative analysis. Expert Systems With Applications. 168:114242.

  25. Xi Chen, Yinhai Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2021. Integrated Optimization for Commuting Customized Bus Stop Planning, Routing Design, and Timetable Development with Passenger Spatial-Temporal Accessibility. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(4):2060-2075.

  26. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaobo Qu, Xiaolei Ma*, 2021. Improving Flex-route Transit Services with Modular Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 149:102331.

  27. Sen Luan, Xiaolei Ma*, Meng Li, Yunlong Su, Zhenning Dong 2021. Detecting and interpreting nonrecurrent congestion from traffic and social media data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 15(12):1461-1477.

  28. Haoyang Yan, Xiaolei Ma*, Ziyuan Pu. 2022. Learning Dynamic and Hierarchical Traffic Spatiotemporal Features with Transformer. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23(11):2236-22399.

  29. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaobo Qu, Xiaolei Ma*. 2021. Optimizing electric bus charging infrastructure considering power matching and seasonality. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 100:103057. 2021.

  30. Lumei Liu, Hui Kong, Tianliang Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, 2022. Mode choice between bus and bike sharing for the last-mile connection to urban rail transit. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 148(5):04022017.

  31. Sen Luan, Ruimin Ke, Zhou Huang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2022. Traffic congestion propagation inference using dynamic Bayesian graph convolution network. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 135(4):103526.

  32. Haoyang Yan, Zhiyong Cui, Xinqiang Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. Distributed multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for multi-line dynamic bus timetable optimization. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 19(1):469-479.

  33. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaoyue Liu, Xingying Zhang, Yirong Zhou, Jianli Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. Optimal Location Planning of Electric Bus Charging Stations with Integrated Photovoltaic and Energy Storage System. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 38(11): 1424-1446.

  34. Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Liu, Honghai Li, Meng Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. Semi-autonomous bus platooning service optimization with surrogate modeling. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 175:108838.

  35. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaoyue Liu, Chi Xie, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. Impacts of photovoltaic and energy storage system adoption on public transport: A simulation-based optimization approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 181:113319.

  36. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaoyue Liu, Zhengke Liu, Ruifeng Shi, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. A Solar-powered Bus Charging Infrastructure Location Problem under Charging Service Degradation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 119: 103770.

  37. Bing Liu, Xiaoyue Liu, Yang Yang, Xi Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023, A resilience assessment framework toward interdependent bus–rail transit network: structure, critical components, and coupling mechanism. Communications in Transportation Research. 3:100098.   

  38. Xiaohan Liu, Wen-Long Shang, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Zhengke, Liu; Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. A sustainable battery scheduling and echelon utilization framework for electric bus network with photovoltaic charging infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society.101: 105108.

  39. Bing Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, Erlong Tan and Zhenliang Ma*, 2023. Passenger flow anomaly detection in urban rail transit networks with graph convolution network–informer and Gaussian Bayes models. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 381(2254).

  40. Zhengke Liu, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Zhenliang Ma, Shen Li, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023.   Integrated optimization of timetable, bus formation, and vehicle scheduling in autonomous modular public transport systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 155:104306.

  41. Haoyang Yang, Yujie Li, Xiaohan Liu, Xi Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2023. Learning Individual Travel Pattern by Using Large-Scale Mobile Location Data with Deep Learning. In: Wang, W., Wu, J., Jiang, X., Li, R., Zhang, H. (eds) Green Transportation and Low Carbon Mobility Safety. GITSS 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. vol 944. Springer, Singapore.

  42. Erlong Tan, Haoyang Yan, Kaiqi Zhao, Xiaolei Ma*, Zhenliang Ma, Yuchuan Du, 2024.   MVOPFAD: Multi-view Online Passenger Flow Anomaly Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal. 24(9):14668-14681.

Journal Articles-corresponding authors(cont.)
  1. Xiaohan Liu, Sonia Yeh, Patrick Plötz, Wenxi Ma, Feng Li, Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. Electric bus charging scheduling problem considering charging infrastructure integrated with solar photovoltaic and energy storage systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 187:103572.

  2. Bing Liu, Feng Li, Yue Hou, Salvatore Antonio Biancardo, Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. Unveiling built environment impacts on traffic CO2 emissions using Geo-CNN weighted regression. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 132:104266.

  3. Haoyang Yan, Yuan Liao, Zhenliang Ma, Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. Improving multi-modal transportation recommendation systems through contrastive De-biased heterogenous graph neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 164:104689.

  4. Xiaohan Liu, Patrick Plötz, Sonia Yeh, Zhengke Liu, Xiaoyue Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. Transforming public transport depots into profitable energy hubs. Nature Energy. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01580-0

  5. Bing Liu, Zhenliang Ma, Hui Kong, Xiaolei Ma*, 2025. How incentives affect commuter willingness for public transport: Analysis of travel mode shift across various cities. Travel Behaviour and Society. 39:100966

  6. Zhengke Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, Siyu Zhuo, Xiaohan Liu, 2024. Optimizing shared charging services at sustainable bus charging hubs: A queue theory integration approach. Renewable Energy. 237(part C): 121860.

  7. Bing Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, Wei Liu, Zhenliang Ma, 2024. Designing a carbon-trading incentive scheme for mode shifts in multi-modal transport systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 192:103789.

  8. Han Yu, Xiaolei Ma*, Bin Yu, Qianwen Li, Ronghui Zhang, Xiaopeng Li, 2024. Planning two-dimensional trajectories for modular bus enroute docking. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 192:103769.

  9. Erlong Tan, Bing Liu, Cong Guo, Xiaolei Ma*, 2024. Resilience-based restoration sequence optimization for vulnerable metro stations with limited budget: A case study of Beijing, China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 653:130102.

Journal Articles-others
  1. Guohui Zhang, Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, 2013. Self-Adaptive Tolling Strategy for Enhanced High Occupancy Toll Lane Operations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(1): 306-317.

  2. Jianyang Zheng, Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu and Yinhai Wang, 2013. Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances in Real Time with Traffic Sensors. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, 17(4):304-316.

  3. Yong Wang, Xiaolei Ma,Yunteng Lao, Yinhai Wang and Haijun Mao, 2013. Vehicle Routing Problem:Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups with Split Loads and Time Windows. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2378:120-128.

  4. Yao-Jan Wu, Shi An, Xiaolei Ma, and Yinhai Wang, 2011. Development of a Web-based Analysis System for Real-time Decision Support on Arterial Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journalof the Transportation Research Board. 2215:24-36.

  5. Runze Yu, Yunteng Lao, Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, 2014. Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting for Freeway Incident Induced Delays. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations,18(3):254-263.

  6. Chuan Ding, Jia Hu, Xiaolei Ma, 2017. Sensors in Connected Vehicle Technology: How Sensors Play a Critical Role (Editorial). Journal of Sensors, Article ID 8241932.

  7. Yong Wang, Kevin Assogba, Yong Liu, Xiaolei Ma, Maozeng Xu, Yinhai Wang, 2018. Two-echelon Location-routing Optimization with Time Windows Based on Customer Clustering. Expert Systems With Applications. 104:244-260.

  8. Jian Sun, Xiaolei Ma, Kai Liu, Lu Gao, Zhigang Xu, 2018. Guest Editorial: Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications for Smart Transportation - Selected Papers from World Transportation Congress (WTC) 2018. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 13(3): 425-426.

  9. Bin Yu, Zhen Guo, Zixuan Peng, Huaizhu Wang, Xiaolei Ma, Yunpeng Wang, 2018. Agent-Based Simulation Optimization Model for Road Surface Maintenance Scheme. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. 145(1): 04018065.

  10. Zhiyong Cui, Ruimin Ke, Ziyuan Pu, Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, 2020. Learning Traffic as a Graph: A Gated Graph Wavelet Recurrent Neural Network for Network-scale Traffic Prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 115:102620.

  11. Honghai Li, Xiaolei Ma, Xian Zhang, Xin Li, Weihan Xu, 2020.Measuring the Spatial Spillover Effects of Multimodel Transit System in Beijing: A Structural Spatial Vector Autoregressive Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Article ID 8870449.

  12. Shaohua Cui, Xiaolei Ma, Mingheng Zhang, Bin Yu, Baozhen Yao, 2022. The parallel mobile charging service for free-floating shared electric vehicle clusters. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 160:102652.

  13. Kateryna Saltykova, Xiaolei Ma, Liliang Yao, Hui Kong, 2022. Environmental Impact Assessment of Bike-Sharing Considering the Modal Shift from Public Transit. Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment. 105:103238.

  14. Ganmin Yin, Zhou Huang, Yi Bao, Han Wang, Linna Li, Xiaolei Ma, Yi Zhang, 2023.ConvGCN-RF: A hybrid learning model for commuting flow prediction considering geographical semantics and neighborhood effects. GeoInformatica. 27:137-157.

  15. Xiaohan Liu, Xiaolei Ma, Ruifeng Shi, Zhengke Liu, 2023.Optimal electric bus scheduling by considering photovoltaic charging infrastructure. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability. 176(5):260-269.

  16. Zhengke Liu, Xiaolei Ma, Xiaohan Liu *, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Ruifeng Shi, Wenlong Shang, 2023. Optimizing electric taxi battery swapping stations featuring modular battery swapping: a data-driven approach. Applied Sciences.13(3):1984.

  17. Yujiang Ye, Ruifeng Shi *, Yuqin Gao, Xiaolei Ma, Di Wang, 2023. Two-stage Optimal Scheduling of Highway Self Consistent Energy System in Western China. Energies. 16(5): 2435.

  18. Zhenliang Ma, Qi Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Erik Jenelius, Xiaolei Ma, Yuanqiao Wen, 2023. User-Station Attention Inference using Smart Card Data: A Knowledge Graph Assisted Matrix Decomposition Model. Applied Intelligence. 53:21944–21960.

  19. Wen-Long Shang, Yishui Chen, Qing Yu, Xuewang Song, Yanyan Chen, Xiaolei Ma, Xiqun Chen, Zhijia Tan, Jianling Huang, Washington Ochieng, 2023. Spatio-temporal analysis of carbon footprints for urban public transport systems based on smart card data. Applied Energy. 352(1):121859.

  20. Ganmin Yin, Zhou Huang, Chen Fu, Shuliang Ren, Yi Bao, Xiaolei Ma, 2024. Examining active travel behavior through explainable machine learning: Insights from Beijing, China. Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment. 127:104038.

  21. Yu Han,Xiaolei Ma,Bo Wang*,,Hongwang Zhang,Qiuxia Zhang and Gang Chen, 2023. A Strategy for Integrated Multi-Demands High-Performance Motion Planning Based on Nonlinear MPC. Applied Sciences.13(22):12443.

  22. Ganmin Yin, Zhou Huang, Chen Fu, Shuliang Ren, Yi Bao, Xiaolei Ma, 2024. Examining active travel behavior through explainable machine learning: Insights from Beijing, China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.127:104038.

  23. Erlong Tan, Xiaolei Ma, Yuchuan Du, Zhao Zhang, 2024.   Enhancing urban metro system resilience under disruptive events through multi-agent reinforcement learning. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. 1-28.

Books/Book Chapters
  1. Xiaolei Ma, Xi Chen, 2018. Public Transportation Big Data Mining and Analysis. Yinhai Wang and Ziqiang Zeng (Ed.) Data-driven Solutions to Transportation Problems. Elsevier.

  2. Xiaolei Ma, Jiyu Zhang, Chuan Ding, 2018. Analyzing the spatial and temporal characteristics of subway passenger flow based on smart card data. Satish V. Ukkusuri and Chao Yang (Ed.). Transportation Analytics in the Era of Big Data. Springer, Heidelberg.

  3. Xiaolei Ma and Yinhai Wang, 2015. Transit Passenger Origin Inference Using Smart Card Data and GPS Data. Harold L. Capri(Ed.). Data Mining: Principles, Applications and Emerging Challenges. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA.

  4. 马晓磊, 丁川, 于海洋, 刘剑锋, 2017. 公共交通大数据挖掘与分析, 人民交通出版社.

  5. 马晓磊, 于海洋, 2021. 智能交通系统数据分析, 机械工业出版社

  6. 马晓磊, 张钊, 2021. 交通数据科学:编程实践指南, 机械工业出版社

  7. 马晓磊, 崔志勇, 顾明臣, 2022. 交通数据科学理论与方法, 人民交通出版社.

Journal Articles (Chinese)
  1. 马晓磊,沈宣良,陈汐,张钊,2019. 基于拉格朗日松弛算法的自动驾驶公交调度优化研究.中国公路学报,32(12):10-24.

  2. 马晓磊,孙硕,丁川,王云鹏, 2018. 基于TVP-VAR模型的多模式交通需求耦合分析. 北京航空航天大学学报. 44(1): 18-26.   

  3. 马晓磊,张继宇,刘剑锋,王江锋,李金海,2017. 地铁站点客流特征与土地利用关系研究.都市快轨交通. 30(6):33-38.

  4. 马晓磊,刘从从,刘剑锋,陈锋,于海洋, 2015. 基于公交IC卡数据的上车站点推算研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 15(4):78-84.

  5. 陈汐,王印海,刘剑锋,马晓磊*,2020. 多区域通勤定制公交线路规划模型及求解算法.交通运输系统工程与信息. 20(4):166-173.

  6. 陈汐,王印海,代壮,马晓磊*,2020. 基于多源城市交通出行数据的定制公交需求辨识方法研究. 大数据, 6(6):105-118.

  7. 代壮,陈汐,马晓磊*,2020. 半自动驾驶公交车辆编组与调度优化. 北京航空航天大学学报,46(12):2284-2292.

  8. 代壮,陈汐,马晓磊*,2019. 基于合作博弈的公交滞站点优化模型.交通运输系统工程与信息. 19(5):135-141.

  9. 陈聪,张国惠,马晓磊,王印海, 2016. 利用大数据挖掘和知识发现技术辅助智慧城市发展. 大数据. 3:39-48.

  10. 茹小磊,杨超,严钢,马晓磊, 2020. 应对突发大规模流行病的城市常规公交管控策略. 中国公路学报. 33(11):11-19.

  11. 李琪琳,鹿应荣,丁川,马晓磊,2016. 城市建成环境对出租车出行需求影响研究—基于空间溢出效应的分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 16(5): 39-44.

  12. 张芷毓,鹿应荣,马晓磊*,丁川,2017. 基于OBD数据的危险驾驶行为与建成环境空间关联研究.交通信息与安全. 1(35):35-43.

  13. 段金肖,丁川,鹿应荣,马晓磊,2017. 考虑动态波动性的轨道交通站点短时客流预测.交通信息与安全. 5(35):62-69.   

  14. 马晓磊,闫昊阳,缪然,2021. 考虑财政补贴的电动公交车队置换优化模型. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 21(3):200-205.

  15. 马晓磊,姚李亮,沈宣良, 2021. 基于OBD数据的驾驶人出行模式挖掘. 交通信息与安全. 2(39):70-77.

  16. 刘小寒,马晓磊*, 刘钲可, 2022. 面向公共交通的电动自动驾驶模块车调度优化研究. 中国公路学报. 25(3) :240-248.

  17. 谭二龙,李宏海,钟厚岳,霍恩泽,马晓磊*,2021. 基于轨迹数据的货车自发编队节油潜力估计. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 22(1): 74-84.

  18. 马晓磊*,刘兵,姚李亮, 2022. 基于多源数据融合的高铁枢纽多模式换乘客流分担率估计. 同济大学学报. 11:309-319.

  19. 刘路美, 马昌喜, 刘钲可, 谭二龙, 马晓磊*,2023. 共享单车影响下接驳公交线路设计与车辆配置方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息. In press.

  20. 丁川,戴荣建,马晓磊,2019.新工科背景下借鉴欧美名校经验探索北航交通运输类研究生协同培养模式. 教育现代化. 8(65):5-8.

  21. 马晓磊,2016. 面向案例式及国际化教学的智能交通课程改革.教育教学论坛. 41: 87-89.

  22. 马晓磊,霍恩泽,2021. 面向交通运输工程学科的研究生国际化教育体系改革与实践. 教育现代化. 13(8):106-113.

  23. 马晓磊,霍恩泽,2021.面向“互联网+产学交融”的交通大数据课程体系建设. 高教学刊. 7:86-90.

  24. 刘小寒,程颖,王聘玺,马皓,马晓磊*, 2024. “光储充”一体化公交充电设施两阶段鲁棒选址方法. 中国公路学报. 37(4) :14-23.

  25. 马晓磊,史豫宁,2025. 交通大数据线上线下混合一流课程建设探讨. 高教学刊. 17.

Selected Conference Articles
  1. Yujie Li, Haoyang Yan, Zhiyong Cui, Xiaolei Ma*. Unveiling the Influential Factors for Public Transportation Incentives Using Adaptive Stacking Extreme Gradient Boosting.2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 8-12 Oct. 2022. Macao, China.

  2. Tianqi Li, Xin Li, Chenhang Cao, Xiaolei Ma*. Investigating nonlinear effects of built environment factors on the integration of bike-sharing and the metro. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 8-12 Oct. 2022. Macao, China.

  3. Xiaohan Liu, Quan Yuan, Ran Miao, Xiaolei Ma*. Customized Commuting Bus Route and Timetable Optimization. ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, May 26-29, 2020. Seattle, Washington, USA.

  4. Lumei Liu, Xingju Wang, Quan Yuan Miao, Xiaolei Ma*. How can bikesharing systems benefit transit service in Beijing? A data-driven approach. ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, May 26-29, 2020. Seattle, Washington, USA.

  5. Houyue Zhong, Xi Chen, Xiaolei Ma*, 2020. Joint Optimization of Frequency and Structure for Transit Network Design. The 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Xi'an, China, July 4-6, 2020.

  6. Xian Zhang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2020. Micro-circulation bus route planning based on bike-sharing data. The 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Xi'an, China, July 4-6, 2020.

  7. Enze Huo, Ran Miao, Sen Luan, Xiaolei Ma*, 2019. Research on the Location Selection of Customized Shuttle Bus Stations based on the Mass Data of Online Taxi-hailing Service. 2019 World Transport Convention, Beijing, China, June 13-16, 2019.

  8. Xian Zhang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2019. Understanding the Spatial Spillover Effect of Multimodal Transportation Systems: A spVAR Approach. 2019 World Transport Convention, Beijing, China, June 13-16, 2019.

  9. Xian Zhang, Chuan Ding, Xiaolei Ma*, Yuelong Su, Zhenning Dong, 2019. Understanding the Relationship between the Shared Bicycles and Public Transport Based On the Propensity Score Matching and Difference-In Difference Method. The 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Nanjing, China, July 6-8, 2019.

  10. Xuanliang Shen, Xiaolei Ma*, Zhao Zhang, Yuelong Su. Transit Operation Optimization in the Context of Connected Vehicles: A Case Study of Beijing. The 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Nanjing, China, July 6-8, 2019.

  11. Jie Yang, Xiaolei Ma, Chuan Ding, Yunpeng Wang, 2018. Influence of Built Environment on Simultaneous Decision-Making Behavior for School Trips. The 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Beijing, China, July 5-8, 2018.

  12. Jiyu Zhang, Chuan Ding, Xiaolei Ma*, Yunpeng Wang, Jianfeng Liu, 2018. Forecasting Subway Demand in Large-scale Networks: A Deep Learning Approach. The 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States, January 7-11, 2018.

  13. Xi Chen, Yinhai Wang, Xiaolei Ma*, 2018. Customized Bus Line Design Model Based on Multi-Source Data. ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018, Jul 15-18, 2018. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

  14. Yunpeng Wang, Guohao Yin, Xiaolei Ma*, 2017. Understanding Drivers’ Travel Behaviors through Vehicle On-board Diagnostic Data Using Multi-dimensional Discrete Hidden Markov Model. The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China, July 7-9, 2017.

  15. Ying Xiong, Guangquan Lu, Xiaolei Ma, Haode Liu, Xianglong Liu, 2017. Exploring temporal characteristics of bus trips in Tian’anmen area using smart card data. The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China, July 7-9, 2017.

  16. Sen Luan, Xiaolei Ma*, Yao-Jan Wu, Chuan Ding, Yunpeng Wang, 2017. Spatial Interpolation of Annual Average Daily Traffic Data Using Copula-based Geo-statistical Models. The 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States, January 8-11, 2017.

  17. Jianfeng Liu, Xiaolei Ma*, Congcong Liu, Yinhai Wang, Jing Wang, 2016. Temporal Distribution Analysis of Beijing Subway Ridership. The 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China, July 7-9, 2016.

  18. Chaofan Bi, Xiaolei Ma, Yingying Zhang and Yinhai Wang, 2014. Developing A Cluster-based Algorithm for Collision Hotspot Identification. The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. ChangSha, China, July 4-7, 2014.

  19. Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang and Yong Wang, 2014. Development of Data-Driven Platform for Transit Performance Measures Using Smart Card Data and GPS Data. The 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States, January 12-16, 2014.

  20. Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, Feng Chen, Jianfeng Liu and Yinhai Wang, 2013. Mining Smart Card Data for Transit Riders' Travel Patterns. The 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Record, Washington DC, United States, January 13-17, 2013.

  21. Xiaolei Ma, Runze Yu, Yinhai Wang, 2012. Developing a Regional Map-Based Platform for Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Traffic Emission Inventory. The 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Beijing, China, August 3-6, 2012.

  22. Runze Yu, Yunteng Lao, Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, 2011. Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting for Improved Estimates of Freeway Incident Induced Delays. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Record, Washington DC, United States, January 23-27, 2011.

  23. Xiaolei Ma, Edward McCormack, 2010. Using Truck Fleet Management GPS Data to Develop the Foundation for a Performance Measures Program. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Record, Washington DC, United States, January 10-14, 2010.

  24. Xiaolei Ma, Guohui Zhang, Jonathan Corey, Yinhai Wang, 2010. A Pitfall to Avoid When Issuing Transit Signal Priority Treatments under Coordinated Control Strategies.   The 10th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP). Beijing, China, August 4-8, 2010.

  25. Jianyang Zheng, Xiaolei Ma, Yinhai Wang, Ping Yi, 2009. Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances in Real-Time with Traffic Sensors.The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States, January 11-15, 2009.
